The web is expected.
The internet is such a part of everyday life these days, that its almost inescapable. We see company website addresses plastered all over magazines, newspapers and television. We see them stickered in giant type on the sides of buses and the bus-stops they attend. Private and company cars are a prime target as well as sporting team jerseys and signage. Even our ears don’t get a break, with constant references on the radio in advertisements and jingles.

The point I’m trying to make here is that seeing domain names is now part of our everyday life. The internet is so heavily ingrained into our society that consumers know what this means and what response they need to take if they want to find out more information about the product or service. Ten years ago, this wasn’t the case. and this type of autonomous response with potential customers is something you can’t really afford to miss out on.
Indeed in the last 5 years or so, having a website for your business has gone from a value-add service for you customers to an absolute necessity. Now, I’m a website designer, so you’d expect me to say that right? Well, yes, but let me back it up.
The Web Is Where Your Customers Are
Like it not, people are increasingly turning to the internet to find information on products and services they are interested in. Recent research found that over 70% of customers looking for information on trade related services ( plumbing, carpenters) used the web to find what they were looking for. Yes, 70%.
To put that into perspective, if you run a plumbing firm like the majority of these types of businesses, focus your advertising on traditional print media and the phone books, you are effectively hitting 30% of the potential in terms of reach for new customers. To put that another way, if you run a plumbing business and DO have a great website, you are tapping into the 70% your competitors aren’t. New customers are the the lifeblood of growth, and that’s always worth investing in.
The Web is Cost Effective, Flexible and Future-Proof.
Compared to promoting your business through traditional advertising channels, such as newspapers, magazines and television advertisements, the cost of designing and maintaining a website for your business can be very attractive. If you look at the traditional methods of advertising, such as print media, radio and television its pretty easy to see how restrictive they are in terms of being able to bend and twist to how your business needs to work on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. A good website is easy to update and always delivering fresh news and ideas to potential customers.
The Web is Always at Work
A website never sleeps. Or has sick days. Or is already on a call. Your company website is always on, always handing out brochures and taking enquiries 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Although I’ve clearly stretched this metaphor to breaking point, the truth still stands. An effectively designed website can work around the clock for you.